We had Epicor help us create a customization to import sales orders into Epicor from a spreadsheet. After it is imported it automatically sets the “ready to fulfill” check box too true. We have a BPM set to when ready to fulfill moves from false to true, then it is to print. However, because it is imported it doesn’t see it going from false to true. So it must be taken from true to false back to true. As such I’m looking for ways to remove that check mark efficiently. I’ve thought about an updatable BAQ into a dashboard but then have you have to select each check box twice. I’d like to at least uncheck it automatically, but only for these orders which are only for a specific customer. I didn’t know if there was a way to put the BAQ I wrote into a BPM in do it somewhat automatically. Any ideas or thoughts on this?
Is your BPM on Update? I think DMT uses UpdateExt. You may want to see if it will fire from there.
I think in a BAQ if you unset on GetList and then use @rbucek’s check all in a grid from the post below.
No, I had it on OrderHed, Data Directive. I can change it.
Is the condition "From FALSE to TRUE"
or "From ANY to TRUE"
I wonder if a record that is created with the temp table having that field as TRUE, would trigger either of those. Maybe do a check that if its an added recorded and the value is TRUE, then trigger. You’d probably want both:
Pseudo Conditions:
Field fulfill changes from ANY to TRUE
OR ( Recorded Added
AND Field fulfill = TRUE )
I forget the way to test for added record
False to True.
Also, This a Std or In-Tran DD?
STD. I needed the AutoPrint in STD.
Can you add some log.writeEntry or Info messages lines to see what flag is set to? You may have to check the condition changing in-transaction and use Enable Standard condition to trigger the auto print.
Well, I kept tinkering and came up with a way to send everything to the printer during the import. Just errors out. Not sure which way is going to be best. Going to have to play some more. I will do some digging and post pics and see where it goes.