Updatable BAQ for PO Approvals

I am trying to create a uBAQ that will allow high-level buyers to see POs that will ultimately need to be approved by them so they can mark them as approved and skip the approval hierarchy when necessary. My updatable fields are POApvMsg_MsgText and POApvMsg_ApproverResponse. However, when I try to update I get an error message:

“Severity: Exception, Table: POApvMsg, Field: , RowID: 9cbe8470-957e-404f-a8f5-db053dde0cd4, Text: Approved amount cannot be less than PO Amount.
Query returned 1 row(s).”

I have seen several topics similar to this but never found any that had a final solution for approving POs using BAQ. The conversation always seems to die before a successful idea is posted. I assume this is because the OP figures it out and doesn’t post their findings. Anyone had any luck with this?

Happy Dog GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021

Haven’t done any work with approvals I don’t think, but I figured I’d give you a welcome and your thread a bump so it can be seen again. :wink:

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