Updatable BAQ error: Input mapping expression for UD14.Keyx is invalid

My UD14 table has 36000 records. I want to use an uBAQ to modify 3 fields in it (Character01, 02 and checkbox01)

Key4 is not always used, the same with Key3 field.

I keep getting the error about mapping and I do not understand how to resolve ! Usually this goes strait forward…

I am setup only single row save and no new rows added allowed.

Anyone can help me resolve this? Could it be due to the key fields not used for some records?



Please add Company, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4 and Key5 in the BAQ. Updatable BAQ requires Primary keys whether its used or not. Check Extended Properties for those two fields. Key1 and Key2.

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Yes thanks I have seen that afterwards and redid the BAQ which shows in my previous snippets, and still got the same messages… Output result of expression cannot be assigned to variable of String? type…

In the table, key1 and key5 are all having values. Key2, 3 and 4 have records without them.

I have written values of 1 in all of them and still getting the output mapping error for key1 and key2.

I don’t get it…

What does your initial expression look like under the General Tab.

Thanks Haso, your post made me realize maybe I should turn around my query, where before OrderRel was my TopLevel. I changed it so UD14 is the top level and now it works. no more errors…