Upd BAQ Advanced column Editor question

I am creating an updatable BAQ so users can edit the primary bin of a part. Instead of allowing the user to enter it manually, I want him to select form a list.

So I set up a Column Editor config, where I used a drop down type, using a BAQ showing all the bins of all the warehouses.

Question: How do I filter the baq dropdown list in order to only show the bins from the selected row warehouse?

I need to know how to apply some the epimagic here… :wink:



I have found the following:
Create in the BAQ associated with the dropdown a condition with a Constant. And as a Constant value write


where the BAQ result would then be filtered with the specified value.
My editable query goes like this:

	[PlantWhse].[PartNum] as [PlantWhse_PartNum],
	[PlantWhse].[Plant] as [PlantWhse_Plant],
	[PlantWhse].[WarehouseCode] as [PlantWhse_WarehouseCode],
	[PlantWhse].[PrimBin] as [PlantWhse_PrimBin]
from Erp.PlantWhse as PlantWhse

Where only PlantWhse.PrimBin is editable.

So I tried the following, with no success…

Dropping down the list…no list was showing…So I must not use it properly…

Anyone has used this “magic” before?



Anyone have a clue?

Did you ever figure this out? I use the method you described above to populate a BAQ combo box on a form customization, but am still looking to figure it out for an UPD BAQ

I thought the EpiBinding used the EpiDataView name. Not a table name. Maybe I’m wrong.

Louis, I am certainly no expert. Like I said, I got it to work on a form customization using table name. How do I find the dataview name for an UPD BAQ so I can try it?

Is this possible? I have a requirement to do something like this in a UBAQ but haven’t had any luck in finding a way to do it.

I realize I am only 4 years late here, but your post got me 95% of the way there and I was able to figure out the last 5%. So updating here for others that may come searching.

Your EpiBinding was incredibly close. It needs to reference the EpiBinding for the table, followed by the field name. So in your case you had [EpiBinding:PlantWhse.WarehouseCode] - you needed something more like this:


Note the PlantWhse_WarehouseCode is an underscore, not a period. You can compare this in the Dashboard editor to see what Epicor calls it there.

I was able to do this for Projects and Project Phases to limit the phases to match the previously selected Project upstream.