Unexplainable Change Suggestions

Does anybody have any explanation or experience for situations where Epicor is suggesting to expedite a Job thru Planning Workbench only to then suggest the original date once more once the suggested change occurred? For example, we have a job with an original Start Date of 10/1 and then get an expedite suggestion the following day to move it to 9/1 as a result of MRP being ran. Although, once we made the suggested change, we then get another change suggestion to move it back to the original date (10/1) we had it at. Nothing changed to the source demand nor does anything else stick out from a master setup data standpoint. Any ideas?

Run MRP on just that part and look at the logs or if you have logs from both of the previous runs see if the settings for the part are different in the first move.

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We already ruled that out, unfortunately. Nothing has changed with the supporting data. Seeing multiple examples of competing change suggestions for Jobs. One day Expedite, the next Postpone - can’t wrap my brain around it :confused: