Unconfirmed Jobs in Multi-Resource

Is there a way to NOT have unconfirmed jobs show up in multi resource scheduling board?

Having had this conversation with multiple user myself over the years, I humbly suggest that you’re asking the wrong question. The job is there for a reason. It has the date it has for some reason.

The root issue to this scenario is usually one of two things:

  1. The demand isn’t real or doesn’t follow your policy. In which case something in the system needs cleaning up. Lot sizes, days of supply, old/bad data, etc.

  2. It’s cutting in line ahead of firm jobs. This is often an issue of setting priority. We, for example, default unfirm work to a lower-than-normal priority. Once it’s firmed, it gets bumped to normal. The system will still (rearely) push unfirm stuff to the front, but usually because the demand is so urgent it overrides the discrepancy in priority. That’s a key indicator that something, somewhere has gone wrong and that part needs to be looked at.

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Thanks for the response, In our case we know the customer is going to be changing the due date(s) on us and don’t really want all of the unconfirmed jobs clogging up our machine shops resource dashboard.

I’d suggest that you take advantage of how sales orders have a “NeedByDate” (when customers say they want something) and a “ReqDate” which is best used as an internal-only date to drive demand in your system. Use the ReqDate as your best guess estimate of when you’ll actually ship. Use NeedByDate for the order confirmation and other interactions with the customer.

Because those are firm sales orders, no? You need to know that capacity is spoken for at some point. It needs to be on the resource boards. It just needs to be moved to a point where it’s useful for you and not a hinderance.

This is the issue. All Epicor knows is there is a firm demand based on the date in the sales order. The other options (besides @jtownsend’s above) are to unselect the “Firm” checkbox on the order release OR leave the Ship By date (ReqDate) field empty . Both of those will prevent MRP from scheduling the job (of the two, unselecting the “Firm” checkbox is a better practice).