Unapproved Part Rev automatically added to a method

I was going back and updating a method to make sure its now using the updated rev. The part in question has 3 revisions (A, B, C). Only C is approved. When I added this part to a method it pulled Rev B even though it is not approved. I delete it off the method, delete Rev B, add it again and it pulls Rev A, again, not approved. I delete Rev A and add it again and this time it pulls Rev C (the approved method).
I know you cant choose which Rev of a part is on a method, but this process seems broken to me. Why are unapproved Revs being added to a method instead of the one approved one?

Most of the revision selection is driven off of the Effective Date. What were the dates that were on the revs?

Effective dates:
Rev A - 10/18/21 (unapproved)
Rev B - 9/11/2023 (unapproved)
Rev C - 6/11/2024 (approved)

yet it still chose B, then A. Only once both A & B were deleted did it pull C

This seems like a shot in the dark but are there weird site things going on? Like A and B are for the site that the method is and C is for a different site?

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This part only has one site on it currently (our main site). It is a phantom BOM part, but dont know why that would matter.

What is the effective date on the parent?


Are you pulling that part into a method where the Parent Part’s revision effective date pre-dates the assembly part Rev?

I’ve seen that blow things up… where you can’t use a an Assembly Part with a date of that post dates the parent.

EDIT… sorry @jkane beat me to that one, haha.


parent effective date is 10/16/23. I think i am picking up what you guys are laying down. So the parent has to have a newer effective date than the child part for it to pull the newest revision of the child.


I would have expected unapproved revs to be ignored, but the rule for which rev to use is:

The rev selected will be the latest rev that was effective on the parent part’s effective date (i.e the one with the latest effective date prior to the parent part’s effective date)


The system is expecting you to up-rev the parent because you up-revved a component. That is a debate for another time.

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Yeah, agree or disagree… if that’s the way it works, it would be nice for a user prompt or something, perhaps a built-in utility to automatically update the parent as well.

I actually had a BPM that would update the effective date to today every time a rev is approved.

Yeah, but we’re talking about a method change… and it is a Rev of a child assembly that was updated… so, the Parent also has to move up.

It would have to be some kind of “where used” query. So if you update the effective date of Part XYZ, it will update the effective dates of any parent XYZ was used in.

:face_vomiting: I see a lot of pitfalls in that one.


Wouldn’t you need to un-approve the parent rev to change the method to use the new part rev though? The company I had that on generally didn’t have revs on child parts, so it isn’t something I ran into often.

You can change effective dates in Part Entry without having to unapprove and check parts in/out of EWB.

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Ahhh I see what you’re saying - if the effective date of a rev that was already on the parent part’s method.