I have a Method Directive on Project.Update and if I complete a milestone of type ‘TM’, it shows a screen asking if I want to create a new milestone (TM1, TM2, TM3, and so on). It’s a simply checkbox but it works great because anywhere in Epicor that I can complete, it triggers and allow the user to create it
I started converting my Dashboards from Classic to Kinetic and when I update a field in my grid, I call the BAQ Update Method which then triggers the form I guess
I have an error in Kinetic, is there any workaround? If possible, i would love to be able to keep my Data Directive
I tested it again this morning with a simpler case (BAQ on UD40 and all the scenarios possible) and whenever I call a BPM Directive from the BAQ Update Method (Custom), it never shows in the Kinetic app except if I trigger my BPM Directive in the GetNew Method
I tried to have the method directive in pre processing or post processing and both times, I had the same problem. The problem is only when the UpdateExt method is called via a BAQ. If I simply update the field in UD40 Entry, it triggers correctly even in Kinetic