Unable to Generate PO through New PO Suggestion


Encounter a problem: Unable to Generate PO through New PO Suggestion.

Things I have checked:
Buyer setup , Part class, and PR due date.

What error are you getting? Or is that the error you show?


Is “Generate PO Suggestions” true in the part master file?

This is for a new Part.

Hi Jason,
No error. I’m unable to search the PR in PO suggestion.

As mentioned above, there are a couple things that can make a part fall off the new suggestions list:

  1. Generate PO Suggestions in Part Maintenance / Sites tab must be turned on
  2. Buyer in Part Maintenance takes priority over buyer in Class. Important: make sure you are an authorized user for the buyer.
  3. Ensure the part actually gets a requirement. Is it a purchased part? Quantity bearing? Does the quantity fall below a min or 0 in the time frame that the suggestion process is running for?
  4. Does Generate Suggestions process complete without errors? you can try enabling logging

Thanks for the explanation. i will tried it out.