I updated our Epicor ERP from to and then attempted to Re-import References for Service Connect. I found that we had not upgraded our Service Connect to match with our current version of Epicor, so I did that, but am still unable to Add or Re-import References and get the following error:
“Unexpected error while importing .NET assembly: Failed to generate proxy assembly for imported .NET class library”
Any help would be greatly appreciated as we use this heavily and I need to be back functional before Monday.
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.DeleteByID’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetByID’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetBySysRowID’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetBySysRowIDs’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetList’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetNewUD16’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetNewUD16Attch’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetRows’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.SetAuthToken’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.SetOperationTimeout’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.Update’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.UpdateExt’ is deleted
.NET method with Request ID ‘UD16.Ice.Proxy.BO.UD16Impl.GetaNewUD16’ is deleted
All methods of .NET reference are deleted
.NET reference is deleted
Unexpected error while importing .NET assembly: Failed to generate proxy assembly for imported .NET class library
Wondering if you have got this fixed or not yet? I recall having a similar issue. What version of Service Connect are you running? I do also recall an issue related to TLS configuration.
Hi @EpsilonMaximus68Olds,
Have you taken a look at Epicare knowledgebase? (login to Epicare first then open this link in the same browser)
Thanks for the input. I ended up getting this resolved by doing a full service connect backup, then fully uninstalling, and installing the newest version 10.2.700.1. I’m figuring there was just a glitch in mine that wasn’t resolved when I upgraded. Hope this can help someone in the future.
Service Connect 10.2.500 or newer is needed to import .NET references from Epicor 10.2.500.
It so happens that Epicor (and all the subsequent 10.2.200.* updates) got the change that from 10.2.500; that - unlike 10.2.400.x (can’t say anything about 10.2.300.* updates) which got a different version of the change, one that did not break backward compatibility for SC.
The fact that backward compatibility was broken was noticed too late after several subsequent 10.2.200 updates were released, and it was decided not to alter that part. As far as I know, there was a private hotfix for Epicor Client for those in need to keep backward compatibility.
I can’t explain why exactly that was working for you when Epicor was at (as my records show that and later were the ones that became incompatible) - could be they were, and re-import to SC was just skipped at the time of Epicor upgrade to due to the error you saw, and luckily previously imported references just continued to work with updated Epicor Client.
Good call with upgrading SC to 10.2.700.1, this should keep you compatible for a while, and should bring in a bunch of corrections, improvements and enhancements on SC side in addition.
I definitely would prefer to keep ALL of Epicor up to date, but I’m the only person at our company and my time is needed on so many other things that I don’t have time to keep up with all of the updates and upgrades.