UN-Purge WIP To Variance

I am a dumbo and I captured cost by mistake while trying to run the WIP Reconciliation Report.

So basically, I have closed and completed all the jobs(that have Make to order demands) that did not have pack created, via DMT, to see what the transactions would be when running the Inventory/WIP Reconciliation report.

Since the cost is now captured, all the jobs with materials already issued to them seem to have their WIP cleared and the cost of WIP for those jobs got debited to manufacturing variance account, which is expected.

However, when I open the jobs back up and run the reconciliation report again, I do not see any unposted transactions that return the MFG-VAR transaction back to WIP.
When a shipment is invoiced with a job that is in this situation, I don’t see any cost being posted to COS. But, if I open the job for the invoiced pack, mass return the materials, I do see transactions that credit COS and debit inventory material account.

Does this mean I have a wrong configuration on the GL Account Maintenance preventing from MFG-VAR transactions to go back to Inventory(or COS)?
Or is this an expected outcome and manufacturing variance postings are final?

All of our parts are are set to average cost.

Thank you in advance!

Onur Cam

If you are opening jobs and then adding new transactions, it’s a no no. Epicor will have issues with costing when doing this.

On the other hand, MFG-VAR transactions do not happen and not related with your inventory (so going back to inventory is not an option) those WIP purge transactions happened when you marked the jobs as complete and WIP cleared, so no turning back.

Not sure how to completely solve this problem without extensive testing and journal entries.

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If you have reopened the job, make sure you have unticked the ‘Wip Cleared’ flag on Job closing. It will not reverse the MFG-VAR transaction but when you close the job properly, it will recalculate the variance and post the corrected amount.

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