Hi all , i am using epicor custom rule to change the field color ,i manage to change it but when i highlight it , the previous color reappear , i am changing from red to default .
It seems to me that the color has been stored in cache .
When i didnt highlight the row ( everything is ok)
When i highlight the row.
private void CreateRowRuleLaborDtlDowntimeCustomCondition_True()
// Description: Testing Custom
// **** begin autogenerated code ****
RuleAction errorLaborDtl_JobNum = RuleAction.AddControlSettings(this.oTrans, "LaborDtl.JobNum", SettingStyle.Error);
RuleAction setDefaultBackColor = RuleAction.AddControlSettings(this.oTrans, "LaborDtl.JobNum", SettingStyle.OK);
RuleAction[] downActions = new RuleAction[] {
RuleAction[] resetBackColorActions = new RuleAction[] {
setDefaultBackColor };
// Create RowRule and add to the EpiDataView.
RowRule rrCreateRowRuleLaborDtlDowntimeCustomCondition_True = new RowRule("LaborDtl.Downtime", new RowRuleConditionDelegate2(this.LaborDtlDowntimeTrue_CustomRuleCondition), true, downActions);