I’ve never used UD “parent/child” tables in the past. After reading a bit about this available option, I’m still somewhat confused on when and how they should be used.
Let’s say I intend to build out a simple table relationship to serve a specific business requirement similar to a relationship between “DMRHead” and “DMRActn” (this literally could be anything; ex. “FooHead”/“FooActn”). Would it be best to leverage the UD “parent/child” tables, or should I build something like this out in the non-parent/child UD tables?
I managed to play with it a bit since last week and I seem to understand it a lot better now. The test arrangement I had laid out appears to do exactly what I need (see below):
It will keep the fields associated with the child table in a read-only state (or at least in an inacccessible state) until a new child record is requested. That’s perfect.
Just two follow-up questions, if I may…
How might I be able to change the menu commands that say, “New Parent” and “New Child” to something more recognizable to my user base, and…
Might there be a way to pull in a third UD table into this if I need to maintain additional data points that should remain segregated from the parent table (in other words, the 3rd table would not be a child of the existing parent), but are directly related to that parent table? — OR — is it possible to add more UD fields to a UD table than what is provided?
UD100Form.MainToolManager.Tools["EpiAddNewnewChild"].SharedProps.CustomizerCaption = "New Part";
You can bring in a 3rd table but you’ll have to manage the relationship.
But yeah you can add any UD fields you want through UD Table maintenance which would be a lot easier
You can also designate some “childkeys” to be specific to different record types
So you can in the same child store different kind of records based on some “ChildKey” field which you then can filter on.
I have never worked with UD Parent/Child before so I am hoping you have seen or heard about something like this and have a fix for it.
The issue is I can not add any children to the detail screen. It lets me add in the list tab but not the detail screen? Have you ever seen this behavior?