UD Table Fill BPM Error For Multiple Lines

I have an BPM that pushes info from OrderHed to UD24. The first order goes in fine. The second order throws an error:

The order still gets created but the the info doesn’t get into the UD table.

Key 1=ShipToNum

The UD fields you are adding are key fields and cannot be duplicated (must be unique). Store your duplicated info in another column other than Key1-5

Ordernum isn’t a duplicate field for OrderHed. That is where I am stuck. Also, I have changed the ponum to completely different things and even the shiptonnum is different. So, there are at lest three of the 5 that are different and get the same error. Here is my BPM, I am sure something is off, I just can’t find where. Note: I also went through and set the 5 keys to orderhed variables like Ordernum, Custnum, etc.

UD24Help_Customer Solution_3.2.700.0.cab (51.4 KB)

Figured it out. I had the Fill By Query and I should have been using the Update By Query. That solved the major issue. Now it is writing to the table even when its being deleted.