I have a custom form for UD40 table.
I hid all of the key fields except for key1.
I have the search button on the form and can search that way or I can use the binoculars.
What I would like to happen is the standard UX on this form as what happens in others.
I would like to enter a value into the key1 field and hit the tab key to trigger a db call and to return the record. Or to prompt to create a new record if a record with that value for key1 was not found.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Not asking for someone to do this for me. Are there any tutorials that would cover this?
In customization for keys2 through 5 set the visible property to false. Just click on the textbox and the properties will show. Then towards the top you will see the visible property.
Thanks for your response. I have already hidden the fields I didn’t need and added groups and labels and textboxes with correct binding.
I would like to trigger a database call and return the record where key1 equals the value entered into the txtKeyField textbox.
I am on 10.2.500 and when I do that it works as you want it. I tried with UD40 also.
Try a blank customization and select hidden for those 4 other keys textboxes.
BTW - Setting the key’s’ visibility to false, will hide them when the form loads. But as soon as a record is created o retrieved, they reappear
Instead of using the Visible property, use the Customization Wizard -> Set Extended properties, to set IsHidden = true for Keys 2 through 5. That also automatically hides the labels too.
@ckrusen thanks for the gifs. So i followed your steps but I still had to tab multiple times to get the dialog.
But when i then set Tab Stop to false then it works!