UD Field Restriction to Numeric Only

How do I restrict a field in a UD table to only numbers and not alphanumeric?

@Will79 - Could you enter >>>>>9 in the Format field in Extended Properties Maintenance for the UD table fields? Or add integer/decimal type UD fields for the UD table?

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Create the field using either the Integer, Decimal, or Long type depending on which best suits what you want.

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Andris’s comment about Extended Properties Maintenance will work if you don’t want to create a new field. Funny that we responded at the exact same time :sweat_smile:

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Hmm, its l already set to that, but people are able to add o instead of 0. Thoughts?

That’s a string with 60 chars maximum, not a number. I would add a new correct field or maybe try and use the Numeric Editor instead of the TextBox in the customization.


You can try small C# code also.

private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(textBox1.Text, "[^0-9]"))
        MessageBox.Show("Please enter only numbers.");
        textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Remove(textBox1.Text.Length - 1);

The “Key” fields in UD tables are String data types by default and cannot be changed. As @fakhruddin indicates, you can use programming to restrict your users. A BPM could also do that, but it would only disallow saving of the record (they could enter in some text, but then when they saved it they’d get an error).

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I’ve just realized I have something similar in UD100. I used a UD100.Update.Pre directive where if you have any added row in ttUD100 it will fire the code below which will populate a global BPM var coinvalid. You can then use that to show an error message if it’s true. It’s messy but it will do the job:

// reset vars
coinvalid = true;

// get added UD100 row
var ar = (from arrow in ttUD100 where (arrow.RowMod=="A") select arrow).FirstOrDefault();
if (ar!=null)
    string k = ar.Key1;
    int nk = 0;
    bool rz = Int32.TryParse(k, out nk);
    if (rz)
        if (nk.ToString()==k && nk>0) coinvalid=false;

AS Ene indicated, I would use the NumericEditor, if key1-Key5 cannot be attached to it, attach it to a Number01 field, and with a BPM, save the string version to key1 before the save…


So, I have it set to Numbero1, and it already populates Key1. Can’t find out why. I do not see any BPM’s that would do this that are active. Thoughts on this?