I’ve seem to hit a limit on the number of columns you can use (25)? I am able to add them in QuoteDtl_UD and added 30 Number columns (Number01, Number02…Number30).
Regenerated Data Model, no problem doing so works as expected
Recycled IIS Application Pool, no problem doing so works as expected
Extended User Defined Table Maintenance shows all 30 columns and is showing Table in sync & Data model in sync
i am able to see them in a BAQ query
However, starting with Number 26, when trying to tie this field to a text box it is not available. Does anyone know if 25 is a limit that cannot be breached, even though everything else looks ok? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I have just done a custom for a customer with 100+ ud fields on a table. Dont ask… But yeah, it’s possible.
After your regen\recycle did you restart your E10 client?
I wonder if there is some Epi logic in there hindering you - since Epicor uses Number1-25, it’s possible. Can I ask why you chose to use Number instead of a specific name?
I would be willing to bet there is a formatting/default issue that is preventing it from generating. There is a log for the generation I would take a peek at that. There shouldn’t be a limit, not one that any human should be able to hit at least.
I’d put money on the fact that UD fields named like: Numberxx, Characterxx, Datexx, etc… are the issue.
If you add the UD field Number01
, it is created as Number01
If you add the UD field NumberOne
, it is created as NumberOne_c
Those field names that look like the older builtin UD fields don’t get the _c
Also, Why not give them real names instead of Number01
, Number02
, etc ?
Like ItemDiscount_c
, BoxQty_c
, etc…
Chris - After your regen\recycle did you restart your E10 client? Are you referring to stopping the application pool & restarting?
Can I ask why you chose to use Number instead of a specific name? No reason, I do know that specific names can be used.
Dumb question but did you restart your client?
OMG, I can’t believe i missed this one. I got out of Epicor back in and now it works! Thanks everyone, sometimes over thinking ones situation is not the right answer. Simple, simple, simple, thanks again!
This is war. I am going to follow every suggestion you give to people with the same suggestion to see if I can get more solutions!