Hi! I’m trying to create an UBAQ to Complete and Close Jobs. We use the AutoComplete/Close process which Complete/Closes the majority of them. There are always a bunch that need to be reviewed outside the predetermined thresholds. My goal is to mass Complete/Close these Jobs that are left after doing a Qty/Financial review. Doing a DMT is not convenient, it seems that giving the users the ability to Complete/Close them on a Dashboard screen is faster.
The topic has been mentioned before. From what I read, to successfully create this UBAQ you need to recreate the BO Methods that you can find with a Trace and set the Variables to process them. I know how to do the Trace, and find those methods. I don’t have an idea where, how I’m suppose to write the codes in the BPM Directives since my knowledge is limited on this regard.
Could someone share an UBAQ so I can reverse engineer it and tailor our needs? Or could someone provide some insight on where to start to get this done?
Hi @lfheredia,
Create a UBAQ with the JobHead table. Include Fields JobHead_JobComplete and JobHead_JobClosed in Display fields.
Then, inside the Update Tab, check both fields as updatable:
Then, in the Update Processing tab, select Job Entry BO with UpdateExt method.
Thanks for your response. I tried it, but I have some problems. I don’t think it triggered all the background processes that should clear open material demand / clear time phase/ clear scheduled load, etc.
For example, I completed & closed Job 3080851 thru the UBAQ, and the Dates are not populated in the Job Closing screen.
I believe you need to set up your Updatable BAQ to use ‘Advanced BPM Update’, and configure a BPM that is associated with the BAQ to run the appropriate Job Closing BO methods.