uBAQ and uDashboard to update method data

Has anyone been able to figure out how to update method info using a uBAQ?

I have been trying to figure this out but it seems a little more complicated that normal uBAQs because of method updates are done through the check-in/check-out process of the engineering workbench.

When trying to update PartOpr or PartMtl table the updates do not stick. I have tried to update ECOOpr/Mtl tables as well. This seems to bypass the check-in process because the ECO tables store all previous check-ins of the rev. So I could update the most recent check-in and I think this should update the method (maybe?) but again, this bypasses the check-in process. Would I need to somehow create a new ECO record to update the active method for the rev? Can you tell I am confused by this? :joy:

Anyway, hope someone can shed some light on this.


you could trace it through the normal process and replicate the method calls in a custom code ubaq but that would be a lot of work. Have you thought of just using DMT for this?


You would need to create an ECO Group in the engineering workbench… then check out the parts to that ECO Group, and THEN you could do an updatable dashboard to update the records in ECOOpr/Mtl.
After you are done, then you can check in the part.

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Any ideas or resources on how to get started with custom method calls? I haven’t dealt with BPM, methods calls, etc. much yet.

Haven’t really thought about DMT because it is such an easy update and the updates would be done one at a time.

Basically we would like to give certain people in manufacturing the ability to update the set-up group for new parts. This usually happens after engineering has launched the part so we were trying to give manufacturing the ability to update this without having to go through engineering.

Not a bad thought though. We could have the keep a running list and import monthly.

Ahhh this makes sense. Unfortunately it would be best if we could get around the manual check-in check-out process though and somehow do it within the uBAQ. Sounds like that would require some custom pre-post processing like Rob is suggesting.

of course not knowing any specifics of your process the reason i suggested the dmt was that it does the check in/check out process for you along with the changes. It’s pretty slick. Maybe you could build a dashboard to export the changes you need in template format and then get crafty with a drop folder and powershell scripts?

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