Trying to set up Multi-User DB alongside Vantag e

I just got my second database working in Vantage 6.10.514. I also
was able to use a table from it in a Business Activity Query.

In my case, I changed only the Vantage.MFG file in the \mfgsys61
directory. I copied this file to the \prowork directory, which
contains only our custom programming stuff, so it can be easily
backed up and is not altered by Vantage upgrades.

The only line I changed in Vantage.MFG was:
ConnectOptions=-N TCP -H nts005 -S 6100 -ld MFGSYS

The new line is:
ConnectOptions=-N TCP -H nts005 -S 6100 -ld MFGSYS -db patriot -H
nts005 -S 6130

"patriot" is the name of the database, "nts005" is the host
and "6130" the service number. I could probably use the service
name, but didn't. I used the original INI file.

Once I logged into vantage, I used System Management, Vantage Basic,
Command window, then typed EDITPROG to start the Procedure Editor
from within Vantage. Next I selected Tools, Data Dictionary. At this
point, I got the warning that changing the MFGSYS database schema
would crash my session, followed by the message that this version
can't change the schema anyway. At this point, I can see that both
databases are connected. I exited back to Vantage.

Next, the cool part.

I went into the Business Activity Query, (Executive Analysis,
Business Activity Management, General Operations, Business Activity
Query), I built a query to list all the PartBin records in a small
warehouse, about 35 records.

I tested the BAQ as is, and it worked as expected. Since Vantage
does not "see" the second database, it is not affected by it, but,
on the other hand, it also does not help me to use it, so...

I editted the Query text to join it to my own table, a table of Part
Numbers that contains summary information about these part numbers.

for each PartBin Where PartBin.Company = cur-comp
and PartBin.WarehouseCode = 'FGA' no-lock:

for each PartBin Where PartBin.Company = cur-comp
and PartBin.WarehouseCode = 'FGA' no-lock,
each Patriot.PartActSum Where Patriot.PartActSum.Company =
And Patriot.PartActSum.PartNum = PartBin.PartNum no-lock:

At this point the table is joined, but the BAQ fields menu does not
list my table. I select Add Calculation, and type
in "Patriot.PartActSum.OrderCount" in the window that opens. The
query passes analysis, and, when I run it, a column OrderCount
appears in the spreadsheet.

A couple of warnings:

I'm sure this sort of thing is not supported, so code in small
steps. Since you have to type in the query and field names, you will
need a good map of your database. In my case, I have my own version
of the Data Dictionary Viewer, which can display my database or
Vantage's in a format that looks a lot like Vantage's viewer.
We run another database in conjunction with Vantage. We had a third party
write us some software for gage control, specification control and MRTs
(Material Review Tickets) and added all of it to the Vantage menu. We pull
a lot of data from Vantage but we do not write anything to the Vantage
database. I had to change the vantage.vtg file and the vantage.ini files to
open the alternate database. We have had it running for at least 2 years
with no problems. We are still on 5.0.350 but it should work with any

We purchased the Provision package from Progress. I might add this is how
you want to purchase it because of support. I tried purchasing it form
Epicor at first and that was a disaster because they don't support

Dave Cole

Reeder & Kline

-----Original Message-----
From: gkrumrey [mailto:gkrumrey@...]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Trying to set up Multi-User DB alongside Vantage

There appear to be several parts to this process:
1) Create the database. This part is easy.

You must have a license that allows creating a database, such as
ProVision. I used the Data Dictionary tool under the Procedure
Editor. I just created the database, then added tables to it and
then fields to the tables. If you've used temporary tables in a
progress application, you already have the definition of the
structure. If you've created tables in MS Access, the process is
about the same, but requires a lot more mouse clicks. I also added
descriptions, formats, labels, etc. to the fields, just like they
have in Vantage. I can then view this structure using my own version
of the Data Dictionary Viewer. (Similar to Vantage's screen of the
same name but with some useful enhancements).

I then connect to this database (in single user mode) and import
data into it. This step was mainly so I could test out my code using
a user-defined table (as opposed to a temp-table). It also works
with data from Vantage. I leave "MFGSYS" as the working database to
avoid confusion my code and refer to my database by name when I
access it.

Also, if you disconnect the MFGSYS database, or set any other
database to the Working Database while in a VB Form program, the
results could get ugly. (I once set the ProPath value to null by
accident in a VB form and Vantage crashed so hard the NTSB is still
looking for it's black box).

At this point, any ONE user can access the data, and it works well.
If two (or more) people need to access the database at the same
time, we must go to multi-user mode.

This is where it gets murky...

I attempted to add my database to the list using the progress
explorer tool. I got everything set up but it wouldn't start.

I also attached to open it using the data dictionary on the server
and it did not open.

It appears the database can't be moved, and must be accessed using
the same path it was created. (I created the database on client
workstation where the path is a mapped drive letter) and when I
attempted to access it on the sever through the local drive letter
it complained about it.

Even if I create a database on the server, this freshly-created
database does not work, as it does not have a lock table.

So it seems I need a way to move my database from one
path/drive/computer to another (Pro Backup on my client workstation,
then restore on the server?). next I need a means to make it a multi-
user database (a utility to prep the database?) and finally, I need
to know how to tell the Progress Explorer about it and how to start
it up as a multi-user database.

Somewhere along the line, I also need to know how to change this
database once it's in operation.

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I got my database working in Multi-User mode.

(My database is named patriot.db, so use your DB name instead of

It turns out I needed to do several more steps:
I editted to reflect the location of the database
(from the server's point of view).

I run a command to "fix" the database so it works in this location:
"D:\Epicor\prgs91d\bin\prostrct repair patriot"
This apparently fixed a lot of things, because I had no futher errors

I added the database to the list in the Progress Explorer Tool.
at the database level, I only entered the DB path and checked
"Automatically Start".
at the level immediately under configurations, I used the same
settings as the training database. (It helps to build a
spreadsheet of the settings so you have them available for
entering & comparing).
at the level below defaultConfigurations, I defined two objects,
one for Progress and one for ODBC. (I added an entry to the
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\drivers\etc\services file for a service
number for the progress object).
I used the same settings for these objects as was used for the
corresponding objects under the Vantage database.

I then selected the database in the Progress Explorer tree and
selected "Start".

(The database is now running, so we just have to connect to it
to use it).

I added some parameters to my startup routines:
Procedure Editor startup - so I can compile progress procedures
containing references to the new database.
Report Builder startup - so I can join my tables to Vantage
tables in the report.
Compiled (released) procedure startup routine - so users
will have the tables available when they run my custom
Compiler Helper Batch compile routine - so my MS Access control
panel can work with procedures using the new DB.

These parameters are:
-db v:\patriot\DB\patriot.db -H nts005 -S 6130 (For my DB)
-db V:\mfgsys61\db\MFGSYS.db -H nts005 -S 6100 (For Vantage DB)

I have not yet got this working from within Vantage, but don't
expect too much trouble.

These commands worked on my server, but I don't know the implications
of each setting. Use them at your own risk! (Backups would be good,

Our systems person and the bosses talked to Progress/Epicor and I
think some money changed hands. Make sure you have the licenses you
need before you use this in a production environment!
> database. I had to change the vantage.vtg file and the vantage.ini
files to
> open the alternate database.

Any chance you could post those changes? Rather then more trial, and
mostly error, it would be much easier if I knew what worked for
someone else.

First, you have to create the database and create the information in
Provision to get the database running. I think someone already covered that

I copied my "Vantage.vtg" file and named the new one "Vantage and
Cribsys.vtg" so that it did not get changed by client installs. Then I
pointed the shortcuts to this "vtg" file for the people that needed to open
the second database. I made two changes to the file. The first was to
point to a different "ini" file called "Vantage_custom.ini" I did this for
the same reason because that file must be changed also.

First, I changed the line starting with "IniFile" to point to the new "ini"

Second, I changed the line starting with "ConnectOptions". The first
"cribsys" is the name of the service in Provision for this database and the
second "cribisys" is the physical name of the database. They don't have to
be the same name, I just happened to make them that way. "raptor" is the
name of our Vantage server and it is in there two times because both
databases reside on the same server. I would keep the spacing the same in
the lines. It seems to me there was a reason there are two spaces after the
first "raptor" but I can't remember why.

[Vantage Startup]





ConnectOptions=-N TCP -H raptor -S epic50 -ld vantage -db cribsys -H raptor
-S cribsys



OtherParameters=-rand 2 -q -basekey ini

In the Vantage_custom.ini (Originally the Vantage.ini file I made one
change. That change is in the "[Vantage]" section and the line labeled
"AlternateDB". I can't remember if this was a line I changed or a line I
added. However, if you put it in the same place it should work just fine.
The same thing applies to this file with regard to "cribsys" and "raptor".
The first "cribsys" is the service I believe and the second is the database
name. Personally I would never make them the same name the next time.










AlternateDB=-db cribsys -S 2550 -N TCP -H raptor -ld cribsys

If you have any problems with the Yahoo server screwing up the line breaks
and you can't figure it out, I can email this directly to you or post it in
the files section. Also, if you have any questions, you can contact me off


David S. Cole

Reeder & Kline Machine Company, Inc.

340 1st Avenue SW

Carmel, IN 46032

317-846-6591 Voice

317-846-7129 Fax

<mailto:Dave@...> Dave@... Email

-----Original Message-----
From: gkrumrey [mailto:gkrumrey@...]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Trying to set up Multi-User DB alongside Vantag e

> database. I had to change the vantage.vtg file and the vantage.ini
files to
> open the alternate database.

Any chance you could post those changes? Rather then more trial, and
mostly error, it would be much easier if I knew what worked for
someone else.


Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]