Trying to Set Field PartPlant.RcvInspectionReq

So its been requested to have all added Purchased parts to default to require inspection. I got a BPM to work great for the Part table. This is what i have set.



But I add another Set Field to set PartPlant.RcvInspectionReq. Like this:

Does not work. Cannot figure out why. Any ideas?


Not a direct answer but I assume just setting this at the Part Class is not an option?

When the Part is being added, the PartPlant record won’t exist. You should be able to get away with a Data Directive on the PartPlant table. However, if you are sticking with Method Directive, you will need to:

  1. Pre-Processing to enable a Post-Processing when a new record and purchased
  2. Post-Processing to update the PartPlant record and save.