Trying to Mark Bulk Qty of Quotes as Closed

I have been assigned the task of “CLOSING” all quotes prior to 01/01/2018.
I created a BAQ and Dashboard that contained the following fields:

I thought I could simply
A. Run the Dashboard and copy the data to Excel.
B. Chage the QuoteClosed column to True.
C. Then paste it back into Epicor.

It APPEARS to work at first.
But, when I run the BAQ afterwards to test the data everything shows up as FALSE - or not being Closed.

One thought I had is that the CLOSED status might be tied to the “Complete / Win / Lose” Options on the Header Task.

Any ideas?

do you have DMT?

Unfortunately, no.
I have mentioned it would make my - and the company’s - life much easier.
But it is not in the budget for this year.

I am actually the “new kid on the block” at my company (about 6 months) with no prior Epicor experience.
But because of my past experience with implementing systems I was designated as the one to take on tasks such as this.

If I had DMT, would it enable me to mass close quotes?
See original question in the opening comment of this thread.

I have not tried to mass close quotes, but I can tell you that there is a switch in Company Config to allow/not allow changes to ‘quoted’ quotes. This would need to be set to allow in order for an Updatable BAQ to process correctly - we’ve had this problem trying to change other data regarding a quote. The task issue might be a problem as you identified. If a Task is marked as a milestone, the task must be dealt with. Otherwise I think you would be OK with the UBAQ method.

DMT - yes, would be easier - but I’m still not sure about the Milestone Task issue when using DMT.

Idea - Possibly a two pass issue - an UBAQ to deal with the associated milestone tasks, and the second for closing the quotes.

Actually I think that marking the Win/Lose task as ‘Lost’ will also close the quote. If your mandatory task set has only one task, then you’re in business, otherwise you might need to do two passes at the Task UBAQ. Everyone sets up tasks a little differently, so I’m guessing a bit here.


Going off of memory… Using DMT to close Orders required first closing all of the open releases, then open lines, then the order.

There is a DMT method that allows for updating combined Order Head-Line-Release, But I think that required “walking up” from the Release level.

Have you tried an Updateble BAQ?

And a brute force method …

  1. Load all the quotes to be closed in a single Quote Entry session
  2. Set a hotkey for “Close Quote”
  3. Press hotkey you defined, and confirm any messages that appear.
  4. Navigate to the next quote
  5. While not at last quote, GOTO 3

Something a data entry person could knock out .

It would be really nice if you could assign a key to “next record” on the Nav bar tool.

I know this is a really old post but I was trying to do the same thing and came across this post because there doesn’t seem to be anything more recent regarding this specific situation. After some trial and error I was able to successfully close old quotes by using DMT to close out the milestone tasks, and so I wanted to share my steps in case anyone else needs to do the same.

  1. Made a BAQ to pull the list of tasks I wanted to close. I included the Task table with the following fields: Company, RelatedToFile, Key1, Key2, Key3, Sequence, Complete, Conclusion, ReasonCode, SalesRepCode. Those Task fields are all you’ll need for the DMT process, but in the BAQ I also linked the QuoteHed table so I could see some info about the quotes (EntryDate, ExpirationDate, QuoteClosed, ReasonType, ReasonCode). In the Task table the Key1 field had the quote number so I used that field to join the Task table to the QuoteHed table.

  2. Before running the BAQ I used table criteria to filter down to the tasks/quotes I want to close. I added criteria to the Task table to only include tasks that are open (Complete = no), and I added criteria to the QuoteHed table to only include quotes entered prior to a certain date (EntryDate <= 01/01/2023).

  3. **If the task is assigned to a user who is inactive you will get an error when you run the DMT process. So you’ll need to look at the SalesRepCode field and make sure you identify any users who are now inactive. Using the Work Force module, make them active again by unchecking the inactive box. After you run the DMT process you can mark them inactive again.

  4. Run the BAQ and export to excel to make the spreadsheet you will use in DMT. My spreadsheet included these fields: Company, RelatedToFile, Key1, Key2, Key3, Sequence, Complete, Conclusion, ReasonCode (everything I pulled from the Task table except the SalesRepCode). The first 6 fields I left unchanged. On all the records change Complete to TRUE, set the CompleteDate to whatever date you want, set Conclusion to either WIN or LOSE, and enter your ReasonCode (this must match one of the reason codes you have in your task dropdown).

  5. In DMT search for “Task List”. You may want to use the template generator to make sure it matches the spreadsheet you just made. Now you’re ready to process your file. Of course you may want to do a test run with just a few records.

  6. If you made any inactive users active, remember to mark them inactive again