Trouble updating PartLot inside BPM

I am using the LotSelectUpdate service inside a BPM. I am setting the PartLot.ExpirationDate field inside the code, but it’s not actually setting it. I am getting though the entire code as shown by my messages, but the record doesn’t update.

/*Look Up Part Lot Rec and Update the Expiration Date from the Date06 field*/

foreach(var rec in ttUD100.Where(tt=>tt.Updated()))
    if(rec.ShortChar05 == "CTS")
    /*LotSelectUpdate Svc*/   
    /*Attempt to find Part Lot rec*/
      using(var svc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.LotSelectUpdateSvcContract>())
        /*create PartNum, LotNum as strings, just to be safe*/
        string partNum = rec.Key2.ToString();
        string lotNum = rec.Key1.ToString();
        var ds = svc.GetByID(partNum, lotNum);
            DateTime uDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rec.Date06); //Supplier Expiration Date
            DateTime plDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.PartLot[0].ExpirationDate);
            string msg2 = uDate.ToString() + " " + plDate.ToString();
        this.PublishInfoMessage(msg2, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "FirstVar","SecondVar");
            /*Attempt to match up corresponding UD100 rec, if true update PartLot.ExpirationDate from UD100.Date06*/
            //if(DateTime.Compare(uDate, plDate)!=0)
                ds.PartLot[0].ExpirationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"));
                svc.Update(ref ds);
                string msg3 = "Made it past Update";
        this.PublishInfoMessage(msg3, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "FirstVar","SecondVar");
             // }




As you can see, it processed all the code but didn’t update the field. I am able to update the field using the BL Tester and the Update method and it works fine.

What’s going on?

Some business objects require you to pass in 2 rows an unchanged row and a modified row. Try this, after you get your part lot record create a new one

//Create a new Part lot Row
var newPL = (PartLotRow)ds.PartLot.NewRow();
//use buffer Copy to clone the first row
BufferCopy.Copy(ds.PartLot[0], newPL);
then modify the new one
newPL.ExpirationDate = whatever....

//then add the new record to the tableset

//then call update

Perfect, thanks Jose! I was banging my head against the wall on this one.

that was quick… It worked?

It sure did

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Awesome. technically speaking you should do that with EVERY BO… most people don’t… and it can lead to some pretty gnarly business logic bugs.

Good to know, it does seem a bit safer to use a buffer copy. Another tool in my toolbelt! :slight_smile:

Epicor uses that to check “what has changed” like in BPMS when you say from X changed from Z to Y… that’s what they use. If that one is not provided those things will fail.