Trial Balance - As Of Date

Has any financial wizard looked at the new Trial Balance Report, using the As of Date for a Retrieve By, instead of a Fiscal Period?

Report works the same, but the results are strikingly different. Both versions have the following column headers:

Year OB Period OB Debit Credit Period CB

What I have found (and have been arguing with Tech Support about) is that the debit/credit data that is returned on the As Of Report is the total year to date activity in each account, while the debit/credit data that is returned on the Fiscal Period is the activity for the month.

I was expecting to see OB + debits - credits = CB for my expense accounts. The math works on the Trial Balance by Fiscal Period report, but does not work on Trial Balance As Of report.

I will still be able to use the report for what I wanted it for, I will just have to add my own calculations to subtract the OB from the CB to calculate my own period activity. I will not be able to identify credits/debits within the period.

Not sure if this is the intent of this report, but it is what they published.

I am wondering if they expect you to have daily balances setup for those GL Accounts for this report to work.

From application help.
Daily Balances Setup
Use Daily Balances Setup to maintain the daily balances for tracking and reports for a limited number of accounts. You can use account masks to specify the COA segment or segments that supply the balances. You apply masks to books associated with a COA. Each daily balance is selected and applied for a specific book.