Transport Authentication Failed

I’m seeing this error pop up in my server’s application event viewer every 2 seconds.
Any idea what’s causing it?

Transport authentication failed.
Service: net.tcp://isiepicor/LIVE/Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc
SecurityNegotiationException: The server has rejected the client credentials. —> InvalidCredentialException: The server has rejected the client credentials. —> Win32Exception: The logon attempt failed

you use windows binding and connecting account has password expired?

We do use Windows binding.
How can I identify what account may have expired? There doesn’t seem to be a clue in that message.

maybe Task agent? are there errors in the Task agent event viewer log?

None in the App Server log either.

Got it.
The Security event log showed Audit Failures in sync with the Application errors.
The user’s Parallels application is suspected to have a virus.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction @Olga.

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