Transfer Order "Mass Shipment"

Has anyone ever tried to implement “Mass Shipment” esque functionality in Transfer Order Shipments?

I’m trying to help a customer think through their Transfer Order processes at a new Site they’re about to bring online… The new Site is not doing any barcoding/scanning or using Fulfillment WB yet – so the process is basically TO Entry → print TO Pick List → physical picking → Transfer Order Shipment. They don’t like how each line needs to be entered one at a time in Transfer Shipments… they want something like the Mass Shipment functionality that exists for Customer Shipment Entry.

I have not really thought through how this might work at all yet… I wanted to post the situation on EpiUsers first, and also make sure we’re not overlooking some built-in functionality before proposing something custom… any thoughts / suggestions are much appreciated!

I created a dashboard where the grid is in the format of the TO shipment entry. This allows someone to copy to excel and copy paste.


Tom, I haven’t tried that, we ship partial quantities all the time so we don’t have a need for it.

I do have a question for you though, is there any way to get it to suggest bins to put it away upon receipt? I assume a default bin would probably add some type of functionality, but our products move from bin to bin and are not static locations so I can’t dot that.

Thanks in advance for any information.

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Thanks @Eric_Howell – incorporating Paste Insert into the process is probably what they’ll end up doing.

Hi Utah

I know there’s a bunch of settings that control “default” receipt bins, don’t remember where they live off the top of my head (I think there is something in Site Config - Transfer Definition)…

Thanks, was hoping for a more general approach that just set put away locations and then the operator would follow them.

Yeah we don’t do automated “slotting” but I do have a dashboard of empty bins that someone doing the receiving uses to find places to put things before they put it away.

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