Transfer Order functionality

My Plant A has a job “A1” that requires the production of a part by Plant B. A Transfer Order is created for the part.

Current practice is to set up a job in Plant B as a “Make to Job”, and connect it to job, asm, and mtl of the job in Plant A. Production takes place, the supply job is completed, but not closed. A Transfer Order shipment is done by Plant B which draws the bin negative as no receipt was made to inventory. Plant A then receives the Transfer Order.

When I look at all the Transfer Order documentation on epicweb all I see is that they are strictly shipping from inventory. There is no information on how to process Make to Job.

I tried to create a supply Job in Plant B and link it to the Transfer Order from Plant A, but as our transfer orders start with “TO” epicor errors out on a non-numerical value. Also Job Manager in either plant shows demand for the part, but no source for the demand, so I can’t build a link there.

What is the proper approach?



You cant link a Job to a TO directly. you will need to make that supply part to stock then create a TO shipment to ship that part from stock to the other plant. Then you will do the TO receipt and put that part into inventory. The supply part will then be available to go to your job in Plant A

Thanks Craig!

I just found this post: Part Transaction type 'MFG-PLT'?

I have some reading to do…

Well, you can. It’s kind of magic.

Edit - to be fair @psiebers this is maybe not exactly the same as how I read your scenario.

We do a make-direct to transfer to stock (MFG-PLT and PLT-STK).

Sounds like you want make-direct to transfer to job (MFG-PLT and PLT-MTL).

So you may have to tweak what I have done.

Just ran across this - probably already addressed but for future “stumblers” I’ll supply my two cents.
The “best” way to set it all up is to stipulate a call-out in the method for Plant A job for the plant B part. This will automagically create a demand in plant b to supply the part as well as the Xfer order to get plant B mtl to Plant A to meet the needs of Plant A job and schedule everything appropriately to meet the requested completion date of the Plant A final part. Plant B material costs (WIP) are fed directly to plant A job. Some caveats: Plant B part must be distinct to plant B and not exist in Plant A so the method knows that the material is not originating in-house and must create a job in plant B to meet the demand of Plant A. Likely the part in Plant B will be set up as non-stock so a direct job-to-job feed. Also Plant A and B would have to be in the same company.

When you say call-out in the method for Plant A job, do you mean you have to manually add the Plant B part to the job materials of the Plant A job? Or can you set up a method of manufacturing in this way and let MRP create the jobs, etc?