Transfer Labour Booking

Apologies if this has been covered before, I did try the search.

If an employee has logged onto the wrong job number is it possible to transfer their labour booking from the incorrect job number to the correct one?

There is a job adjustments screen from the main menu, and that is the only way once the labor has been fully posted.
But if you have not yet posted (same day as transaction) and not done the “capture cost wip” process, you can go into Tim Entry process, and recall the entry, and change the job number there in that screen.


This is actually not true - there is one more way. Sorry @timshuwy

Fun fact: You can enter negative hours on a job.

I learned this from a user who didn’t know that he couldn’t do this, so he tried it and it worked. :exploding_head:

Naturally the job has to be not-completed, but that’s true of any of these scenarios, right?

The catch, though is that you can’t put negative hours on something that had none to begin with.

To spell that out, I can do -8 hours for employee JSmith on job 123456 op 10 only if job 123456 op 10 already has 8 or more hours for JSmith.

And yes, the previous labor was posted.

I never like negative labor… but i get it. that would correct the time.