Transfer inventory to job material (multi-site)?

This is a lie, right?


I want to transfer from site A inventory to a site B job material. But I think that’s impossible, right?

It would be STK-PLT and then PLT-MTL. Both of those exist, and the hierarchy says that’s what happens, but I don’t think that’s right.

It is correct. When one site is in South Carolina and the other in Idaho, there is time when the parts are in neither. Once received, the second transaction happens. That is if you’re using Transfer Orders, which is the only way I know to move material between sites. I don’t think you can just issue to a job in another site directly.

OK you seem to contradict yourself there.

So, I know you can do

  • Job Receipt to Job from site A to site B (MFG-PLT and PLT-MTL)
  • Job Receipt to Stock from site A to site B (MFG-PLT and PLT-STK)
  • And of course you can transfer stock to stock (STK-PLT and PLT-STK)

What the screenshot implies is a fourth option, stock to job material (STK-PLT and PLT-MTL). And I think that’s bogus.

I honestly didn’t know you could do those! I’ve only ever used STK-PLT and PLT-STK!

Learn something new every day…

Oh it is NOT documented for sure. I’ve written about job to stock here before. It’s wild. Pure magic.

I am not sure how to do a job-to-job transfer across sites. The only option I see is to take it from a job to inventory first, then transfer to other plant and then issue to the other job. Can you explain how to setup the transactions to do job-to-job between plants?

To be honest, I never tried it till today. But it does work like I said.

The screen is Job Receipt to Job. You just specify a job in the other site.

I did the job in site A as make to stock. I am not saying that it is right; I just did. I’ll explain later.

Job in site B is similar:

Here is the transaction in site A (MFG-PLT):

(Ignore the 2 auto-receipts of +7 and -7. I forgot to uncheck auto-receive in this job - which is kind of a good point…)

And in site B… nothing… yet.

I have to do a Transfer Order Receipt in order for that to go through.

That’s better:

OK, back to this. So, I did this out of habit. There is indeed a place for a job-to-job demand link. I tried to do that and it complained about the job being auto-receive. What’s even stranger is that I had unchecked that box in the job and it still complained! It’s as if it remembered, or it was looking to the part’s BOM instead of the job itself. :man_shrugging:

I was never successful, but @timshuwy has a detailed instructions in my topic.

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@8717519 Instructions in my prior post. Sorry, I forgot to tag you in it - I forgot that it wasn’t your original post but mine! Also I edited it today with final thoughts

Implied there is that I did not need to make a transfer order before I did all this. The system does it automatically.

Also, like I said here, you can transfer from a job (form WIP) to stock in the other site. That’s something we do routinely here. In that case, if there is an existing transfer order, Epicor somehow finds it and ties the job receipt to it and creates a pack slip for you.

One more thought!

I learned the other day that in order to do the job receipt, the user must have authorization to operate in both sites.

I submitted this to Epicor as a bug; I think it was accepted - I’ll check.

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Thanks! That was very helpful and I was able to get the job to job transfer to work. I think this will help use with the Average cost issue we have when putting it into inventory then back to the job.

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I happened to get a response this morning. It was denied. Working as designed, etc. Yeah whatever.

Just ran into something similar with a customisation we have on sales orders…(Automates a transfer yadayada…)

Thanks for your post very informative.