We are changing how some of our parts are handled that includes renaming some parts. This isn’t a big deal for small inventory-based parts but inventory-based parts that have serial numbers make it a little harder. For example, we have a tire part called tire A with 279 in inventory with serial numbers. Our engineering department wants to change the part number from tire A to tire B and transfer all the inventory and serial numbers. I am unsure how to do this without a decent amount of manual work (re-entering the serial numbers by hand). Any guidance would be helpful.
I would recommend using the runout flag and alternate. And let the old inventory “run out” naturally and be replaced by the new one.
Just my 2 cents.
We have that selected already and using an alternative the problem is we are getting jobs calling for the new tire part number already and I am not sure how else to handle this since I know we are going to have more parts with this same problem.
I think the jobs using the alternate is what you need to look into then.
I thought if you don’t approve the revision on the alternate or you set the effective date to be the date you plan on going live that would control whether the job calls for the new alternate.
I’ve never used the alternate methods before, so I don’t know what controls when they are pulled in.
@lgrube If you have DMT you can do it in batches. I have done this for thousands of serial numbers. Make a template, write a query to fill in the serial numbers on hand for removal. Make copy of that spreadsheet for the new part with same serial numbers. Process them both in test/pilot first to be sure it is good and then I usually run the final change on the weekend.