I’ve been working with a server that keeps getting full. Upon further looking it appears the log file is getting really large. Like its stuck at 264GB with a 10%-unlimited growth. Tried changing settings, and get an Not enough space type error. Also, it is set at Simple, and not full. going to be working with someone later on today to get this fixed. Any ideas on what to look at, how to fix or what the issue may be?
Your SQL DB needs to have some maintenance jobs setup to backup and then shrink that log every day or at some interval. @aidacra has provided some SQL Maint Best Practices:
Thanks for the info! I also noted that the log was set to 240GB of 300GB available space with a 10%-unlimited growth potential. So, I lowered the allocated space and growth ability to stay under maximum space available. So far, that is bought me sometime to do the rest/verify the rest.
Be careful running an SQL DB in Simple recovery mode, if you experience a crash you may have big problems recovering your DB. @aidacra input would be good here.
Well, I went back and checked, I actually changed the RECOVERY mode-not the back up-to Simple from full. That was in the article you posted. IF that is correct, let me know. So far it is working better than before. But if its not right, or if there are potential data lose issues, input is very much appreciated.