Attempting to determine the reason behind the number of records in the TranGLC table for some PO’s.
Most PO’s produce a 1 for 1 record matching PO release. Several however produce many records for each release. We currently have a PO with 33 total releases producing 1025 TranGlc records. 32 releases repeated 32 times with TranGLC.TGLCTranNum numbers being 1 more than the release number and 1 release (the last one) occurring once.
Release 1 has 1 TGLCTranNum of 0 and 31 of 2
Release 2 has 1 of 3, 1 of 4 and 30 of 2
All transactions are odd numbers except for the repeated 2 and the last occurrence. I have no idea where the even transactions go.
PO’s are generally created from PO suggestions for jobs and when minimum buy quantities are involved and additional release is added to direct the balance into inventory. I’ve not been successful in recreating the problem in our Pilot environment and it is a rare occurrence in our live Db.
Key2 is POline and Key3 is PORelnum so using PONum and 1 and 1 I get 32 lines of line 1 release 1.
The only fields that change are TranNum GLAccount and SegValue1. 32 of the releases are directed to CIP and 1 release is directed to Inventory.
I recall there being functionality to share expenses. Like if you split the Electric bill up among all departments. You’d only have to enter the Bill in AP once, and this feature would create individual GL trans for each department. Like:
GL Account Debit Credit
1000-01 AP ACCRUALS 1000.00 0.00
6000-01 GA EXPENSES 0.00 100.00
6000-02 ENG EXPENSES 0.00 100.00
6000-03 SALES EXPENSES 0.00 100.00
6000-04 PROD EXPENSES 0.00 700.00
Is the credit or debit amount in the TranGLC record the same as the ext cost on the PO?