Looking for training material that shows step-by-step instructions for various areas of Epicor - purchasing / sales / shipping / inventory
Epicor has videos here https://erpvideo.epicor.com/ there are open to all
Or there is Epicor Learning Center (Requires an account)
Edit: Also there is a bunch in app Help menu
Is there anything in a PowerPoint / or pdf format that can be downloaded?
There may be some in EpicWeb. Also, the help in Kinetic opens in a browser so you could print to PDF from there as another option.
If you’ve got the embedded education license and you’re not using the Kinetic homepage, you can access that from Epicor, and open it as a PDF. That’s the same course that’s shown in the Epicor Learning Center Randy mentions above. If you’re on-prem, those courses also have all the PDF’s saved on the server. We back them up to a network folder for our employees to access (helpful when you can send someone a PDF).
And if you’re using the Kinetic homepage, then you’ll access it on the Epicor Learning Center (where everyone will need an EpicWeb login - how about Epicor let them access it directly from the client without more friction?!!).
There are helpful agendas that can be assigned to users, roles, and groups in the ELC also.
We end up making a lot of work instructions on our own unfortunately, since the system is different for everyone. There is a training course module you can purchase and follow courses.