I’m wanting to create am UD field where we can put the Tracking number in the InvcHead or Dtl table. This way I can put it on the invoices and invoice emails going forward. I understand how to make the UD field, that part is easy. But how do I get the tracking number to pull into the UD field automatically?
There is field for the tracking number on the Packing Slip. You can just link it to that to print on the Invoice. That is what we do here.
Vinay Kamboj
When you say link, do you mean the EpiBinding?
No Just in RDD for the Invoice.
Vinay Kamboj
While that is excellent idea, and I will be doing that, I was thinking of putting it in the email generated from the APR. for this i need it in the table.
We do not have APR but I understand that once you have it in RDD you should be able to put in the email. Maybe someone here using APR can confirm.
Vinay Kamboj
So, I added the TrackingNumber in the Linked tables section under InvcDtl–>PackNum. How do I add this field to the Report? I tried adding it as T2.TrackingNumber but that didn’t work. And I do not see any corresponding table in the query.
Did you sync the dataset (via Report Style menu) after editing the data definition? If so, you may need to manually add the table to the query expression in report builder. The dataset sync does not always work.
To my understanding Sync dataset should only be used with BAQ reports and not with anything else. With not BAQ RDDs it will break the report. You can do more search on the forum for this.
Vinay Kamboj
Interesting! I had not heard that before. I’ve done it on the AR invoice form with no issues (of course with a new RDD and report style). Though I believe I did have to manually edit the query expression in the report.
Do you remember how did you edit yours? Trying to see where I am missing it.
From report builder, go to the Report Data window. Find your dataset, right click on it to open Dataset Properties. Open the query expression.
In my experience, the dataset sync feature in Report Style usually adds the table fine. But if you need to add the table, it may look something like this (in my example, I needed the Project table on the AR invoice form):
Once you confirm the table is in the expression, take note of the alias (in this example, “T20”).
Then you’ll add the fields you need to the SELECT statement. I think it’s easiest to find the beginning of the FROM statement and add what you need before it (I needed the project description):
Save the expression and then go to the Fields tab in Dataset Properties. Sometimes it adds the field for you, sometimes you have to add it. Note the “field source” is the alias I assigned to the project description, and the field name is whatever you want it to be.
Hope this helps!
Tahnks! What I was meant was, I am not sure what table the TrackingNumber is in that is in the ARFORM–>InvcHead–>Linked tables (PackNum) that needs to be added to the query. And, my Sync Dataset is greyed out for this anyway.
I’m not sure I’m following your question, but if you need to know what table to join to the invoice, it would be ShipHead (field being ShipHead.TrackingNumber).
Try T2.[PackNum_TrackingNumber]
This is an odd one. It does not actually work as a linked table. I’ve tried it before…
You can try one more thing and add the InvcDtl.PackSlip, but I believe you must add the ShipHead table manually and create the Relationship.