I would like to see what methods users have devised for tracking licence usage to determine long term trend.
For example, suppose there are 20 licences. Users are happy as long as that limit is not reached. It could be regularly spiking to 18 or 19 active users.
I would like some mechanism that is not resource intensive to log usage as it changes.This way I could possibly see long term trend as to whether active licence usage is increasing over time and help justify budget submissions for more licences
We implemented a scheduled (hourly) PowerShell script that looks at the API’s Ice.BO.AdminSessionSvc/List method, counts the sessions per type and company, then feeds that back into a UD table. Then we were able to use that data to make a BAQ report that shows a chart of usage over a period with maximums displayed for each license type as well as the total.
This worked really well for us when we had a large influx of new users and were trying to figure out what the actual license usage looked like.
That’s a neat idea. I know some people are wary of updating tables outside of Epicor, so if someone wants a more temporary version that doesn’t make any db writes, I made a python version of this. Dumps stats to an Excel file with a datestamp. Just set it on a scheduled task.
That sounds good. I’ve been tracking an issue where we keep running out of licenses since upgrading from 10.1.600 to 10.2.300.
I think we’ve actually got to the bottom of it - seems that Active Home Page if deployed to users is constantly refreshing on a timer, and keeping that user license active even if the user is away from their PC. Since tweaking a config file to disable auto refresh our issue seems to have eased.
Is the Powershell script something you’re willing to share?
Using a PS script, you can hook into a Monitoring system, Centreon https://www.centreon.com/en/, an open soure Linux based sever based on Nagios, to graph out easily and beautifully as needed. I wrote a PS script to work with the API on my last license count, you just need to install nsclient++ on your E10 app servers, then write the ps script to make a REST call to the Epicor session service
I’m always willing to share - just had to sanitize it a bit and change the extension. LicenseTracking.txt (3.4 KB)
It’s set up to track DataCollection and DefaultUser sessions across two companies and write them back to a UD table. Add or remove companies as needed - the pattern is pretty simple.
You’ll need to change some things, of course, but I did what I could to make it obvious. Items in <<>> should be replaced by your own options. <<Company1>> should be your company id, <<UDTable>> is the UD table you want to write back to, etc.
Thank you @jstephens for the inspiration. Your work inspired me to create two ways of tracking license usage in my multi-company environment (10.2.700.10):
I had to modify Jason’s script to accommodate multiple companies on the same tenant. Attaching the script. Hopefully, the modifications will be easy for you guys as I tried to make it as clear as possible. UD table can be specified in the script as well as Live and Pilot environments for testing. Data inserted as: {Company:’$company’, Number01:’$DefaultUser’, Number02:’$DataCollection’, Number03:’$EnterpriseProcessing’, Key1: ‘$time’}
I prefer to use a monitoring software called PRTG Network Monitor. It’s free for 100 sensors. I created a custom sensor that runs a similar script and collects that data and makes it look pretty.
After you install the software, place the attached file into C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML
Then add a custom sensor and choose ‘EXE/Script Advanced Sensor’.
Choose the file name that you placed in the previous step.
For the parameters use (modify to match your environment): -company ABC -creds bWFuYWdlcj****QzciR0ZWxsYXI= -url centralusdtapp00.epicorsaas.com/SaaS000 or -company ABC -user manager -pw MySecretPassword -url centralusdtapp00.epicorsaas.com/SaaS000. Where the creds parameter is base64 encoded string. This is a recommended way if you have special characters in your password. Use user and pw parameters first and the script will output that string on the first line for you (run it first on the server where PRTG is installed to make sure script runs. and copy the creds at that time). Company is the company code in Epicor. URL parameter is part of the app server address like https://[URL]/api/v1/Ice.BO.AdminSessionSvc/GetFilteredSessionList
Hopefully all of the above makes sense. Please ask if you need any clarification on the above.
I do not see anything wrong with the code. Perhaps the Date01 field is picky in terms of data (it’s formatting) you are trying to write into it… I have not played with this field myself.
@AlekseyN (or anyone) - What is an EnterpriseProcessing license? We’ve got this working, but I’m not clear on what those license types are. Sometimes I’m on that list of users that have it, other times other office (aka DefaultUser). Usually it’s just a handful of users.
Do EnterpriseProcessing users get counted against our Office licenses? Or DataCollection? Or they just exist, and don’t get counted for anything? Or Related to Enterprise Search?
I found the UserTracker dashboard and Epicor Help articles, but they don’t explain the SessionType column.
Enterprise Processing: any secondary session started from a Default session. This session type does not consume a licence. For example, switching companies in the application will start an Enterprise Processing license for the secondary session. If Service Connect is invoked from a BPM (Business Process Management) it will start an Enterprise Processing session.