We deal with seasonings and casings that need to be lot tracked, the person who set this up for us, no longer works for our company and left on bad terms so we are unable to reach out, all of us here now have not been trained on how to do lot tracking, I have tried comparing a lot number tracked item to one that is not but we are still unfamiliar.
Could someone help with guiding us through lot tracking?
At the most basic level, Lot Tracking adds tracking the qty’s of the part assigned to each Lot.
So any part trans must include the Lot the parts are from. And you are prevented from issuing more parts from a lot, than are currently in said lot.
Rcv 100 pc’s as Lot ABC, 50 pc’s as ABD.
Issuing 125 Parts, requires specifying the qtys from each lot, and neither qty can exceed the lot’s current QOH.
Issuing 100 from ABC, and 25 from ABD is okay.
75 from AMC & 50 from ABD is also okay.
101 from ABC & 24 from ABD would not be allowed.
For purchased parts, you are required to enter the Lot number for the Qty that lot during PO receipt. Typically the Lot number (or code) is specified by the supplier.
Part Maintenance - check the Track Lots fields. NOTE: If this part has pending transactions or inventory on hand you will not be able to change this unless you adjust out the inventory first
Under the Lot Tab in Part Maintenance you can assign the different part characteristics such as added Fields for Heat, Mfg Date,
How would you get quantities into inventory if you do not report quantity complete? If the job is to make 4 and you complete the job a receipt to inventory transaction would report the quantity even if the operation did not report the quantity and a lot is assigned then as far as I know and understand it.
I totally missed the make to order. Sorry about that. My terminology must be wrong on the receipt to inventory. When you receive the quantity into stock you have to put a quantity and assign a lot then. I can be corrected there as well. That was what I thought
happens though.
As for the make to order I agree with the logic but would have to test.