Total Sum of Column Fields by Group


Hi Experts,

I am trying to create a BAQ that will display total price sold on specific product group.
In a standard BAQ format, it shows all occurrences of a product group thereby creating hundreds of lines.

Is there anyway I get the total price by product group to show on the BAQ without doing sum?
Please see attached for reference.


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Try to use Group by and Calculate field with Sum Aggregate function.

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Hello, I tried this and it works fine with standard fields. Thank you.

On this specific case, I would like to get the sum of the calculated fields but they aren’t stored in any table I assume.

you could calculate the value for each line and sum that…

Sum (OrderRel.OurQty * OrderDtl.UnitPrice) for example…

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Just use Sum(CalculatedFieldName) and replace that with whatever your field name is.


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Thanks Gentlemen for the replies.
Working as intended now.