Total Hours for all jobs to make the Top Level

We make everything to stock. Each job has a total amount of hours, i can get the total hours by pulling each production detail report and MANUALLY adding all them together(or query once i know each of the job numbers). If i pull the top level (the part we sell), it rolls up the COST but not the hours, the only hours on the top level is the hours on that job. Does anyone know of a way to obtain this information that is less time consuming? Thank you in advance for your time.

In JobAsmbl there is TLAProdHours ( This Level Actual ) and LLAProdHours ( Lower Level Actual ) I get the lower levels here and add them up. We have the enable cost elements checked in company maintenance so the sub-assemblies don’t show as material cost, but labor, material, burden, etc… I don’t know how that will work with issuing from stock as opposed to job to job.

Enable Mfg Cost Elements
Use the Enable Mfg Cost Elements check box to activate the alternate Split Cost Elements job estimate calculation. This calculation provides more detailed job cost analysis by totaling the costing buckets independently throughout the method of manufacturing on each job. It then arrives at separate material, labor, burden, subcontract, and material burden (if used) total cost values for the highest level assembly.
In contrast, the default job estimate calculation totals all the costing buckets on each assembly in the material bucket, then adds this material value to the material cost bucket on the next level assembly. This process continues throughout each level in the method of manufacturing.
Important: Any jobs created before you select this check box continue to use the default calculation for job estimates. Any jobs created after you select this check box, however, will use the alternate calculation.
You review the analysis generated by the Split Cost Elements calculation within the Job Tracker. The separate cost results are displayed on the Job Details> Assemblies > Costs sheet.

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Thanks for the response. I’m finding out the hard way that when making everything to stock, it doesn’t bring the hours forward, just the cost roll-up. You make a great point, job to job vs. from stock. Query results tell me TLAProdHours is populated but LLAProdHours is not due to picking each part from stock. Tomorrow i will have our material handlers receive some completed jobs to another job, then re-run my query .
i like the idea also about the Enable Mfg Cost Elements which i did give it a try, but it will not accept the change. An error is thrown “The default revenue recognition method can be manual or none when project billing is not licensed.”
Thanks again for the great information.