Tons of records hung in the Ice.MailQueue

We’ve got about 33 thousand records hung up in the Ice.MailQueue table. Any ideas how to flush it out gracefully? Tons of old emails in there of people who are no longer with us, as well as some newer

TRUNCATE Ice.MailQueue not graceful enough for ya? haha I don’t believe there is a built in mechanism for it.
There may be some other related tables such as MailAttachment etc you may want to look for too if I remember correclt.y

By the way this happens when you using asynchonous BPMs for sneding email particularly in older versions.

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SELECT * from Ice.MailQueue as [MailQueue]
inner join Ice.MailQueueBody as [MailQueueBody] on
MailQueue.QueueNum = MailQueueBody.QueueNum

Then check out what emails are having trouble, look in the Body. Most likely email address are outdated or does not exist. Fix up the root cause.
You can clear the 3 tables that related to MailQueue.

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