Token Authentication for REST

I ran across an old (2018) post where basic and token authentication was discussed/contrasted. Token is more secure, but the links in that post are no longer valid. Can someone point me to some helps for setting up token? Of particular curiosity is where the token would be generated: a third party or by Epicor ERP?

are you talking about authentication into Epicor from something else? Or into something else from Epicor?

The Epicor Rest pdf on makes it very easy to auth into Epicor. Use Postman and Swagger to get the hang of it. You have to add an API key in Epicor, optionally but recommendedly with an access scope, then make your first url point at tokenservice (QV in the guide).

Then you harvest the token and send it back and it pretty much just works. After that you just have to figure out parsing and editing JSON, which is a bit tricky.

Many APIs work the same way. This was my first attempt:

Into Epicor from another app.

Tim Kueppers
Dir. of Information Systems & Data Integrity
10896 W. 300 North • Michigan City, IN 46360
PHONE 219-879-5100 x521