Today's Tip: Parts, Part Classes, Product Groups and GL Accounts

Have you had a hard time grasping which GL Account will get chosen when you buy, issue, receive, adjust, ship, or make an item in inventory? Here is a helpful little chart that you can study to see how the system decides which GL account is used for transactions. As with any “model” there are some assumptions made… but this should be able to help you understand how it works…


nice chart @timshuwy!

I used to struggle with this until I started to read and understand the Inventory Transaction Hierarchy guide from Epicweb.

The first thing folks should be aware of is that PartClass is for the materials side of things (Purchasing, inventory, etc…). And ProdGroup is on the sales side (orders, AR invoicing, etc…)


Not a nice chart, but some flow diagrams I put together years ago so folks could understand…
PartCostAccountGL Controls.pdf (104.5 KB)
RevenueAccountGL Controls.pdf (138.8 KB)