[ Tips/Tricks ] Add UD100.Key1 as Filter to BAQ Report

You can add UD100.Key1 or any other Custom UD Field as a Filter to a BAQ Report, as long as you have a Customized Context Menu.


You can then further tweak it via Named Search etc…

In addition if you have in your BAQ a Custom field that does signify a LIKE Column, you can add the LIKE of course via Extended Properties or Attribute Editor in your BAQ, it will then also show up as a possible FIlter.

You can pre-populate the filter if you do a Customization Layer on your BAQ Report. (Probably have Notify one too many, but conceptual):

private void BAQReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
	// Add Event Handler Code

private void SearchOnUD100AdapterShowDialog()
	bool recSelected;
	string whereClause = string.Empty;
	System.Data.DataSet dsUD100Adapter = Ice.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, "UD100Adapter", out recSelected, false, whereClause);
	if (recSelected)
		this.UD100List_Column.Merge(dsUD100Adapter.Tables[0], true, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);
		this.edvFilterList1.Notify(new EpiNotifyArgs(this, edvFilterList1.dataView.Count - 1, EpiTransaction.NotifyType.Initialize));
		this.ReportParam_Row.Notify(new EpiNotifyArgs(this.oTrans, this.ReportParam_Row.Row, ReportParam_Row.Column));


I realize this is an old post, but I need some advice. I am working in 10.2 and I am trying to get a UD field on the EmpBasic table to show as a filter for my BAQ report. I have set up the context menu and the Display field attributes as described, but when I preview the Classic form for the BAQ report I get nothing on the Filter tab:

What am I missing to cause this not to show up? I can see the filter in the report designer form:

The labor code box shows up on the Selection tab but I have no idea why nothing shows on the Filter tab.
Any ideas?