Time Phase Question

I am not smart when it comes to MRP. What makes a job show up on time phase?

We have a part that isn’t showing up in Time Phase after MRP is run the same way another part is.

This is “normal” seeing the Job for each Sales order.

We have one part that isn’t showing all of the jobs from the order.

Here is a quick picture of the Jobs.

When we run into an issue like that, I run MRP on that part number with MRP logs turned on. What helpful is then you get more detail about why MRP did what it did. For example, I have seen it say created a job, material on job inactive, deleting job or we got a purchase order suggestion instead of a job suggestion so the part is set to purchased instead of manufactured. Some times its not as straight forward.


@knash MRP doesn’t drive Time Phase, it is a collection of all supply and demand records irregardless :slight_smile: of how they were created.

These are the tables. OrderRel, JobHead, JobAsmbl, JobMtl, PoDetail, PoRel, Part, PartBin, JobProd, PartDtl and PartSug, SugPODtl, SugPOChg, SugPOMsc.

I am looking at the three Job tables to see if there is anything that would hide them.

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Hi Ken,

We found with long lead POs that they were not getting counted outside of the days of supply. Can you bump up your days of supply from 15 to perhaps 60 and see if it has any effect? Any chance you have some planning horizon turned on in part plant?

I’d also like to see suggestions turned on vs off. Is this happening with just this part? Do you have MRP run checked for dynamic per below, and no cutoff?


What builds the PartDtl table? It appears that the part on top doesn’t have the JobNum rows like the bottom 10 records that have a “order line rel” row and corresponding JobNum row.

Someone called this “Supply and Demand” (SAP term maybe?) and I think that sums it up well.

  • If you or MRP create a Job material line, Epicor also creates a PartDtl row
  • If you make a PO release, Epicor creates a PartDtl row
  • If you make a sales order release, Epicor makes a PartDtl row
  • If you delete one of those, Epicor deletes the relelvant PartDtl row

@knash PartDtl might be a driver, but not the only one. I just got a fix for orphaned PartDtl records. Those extras did not show on TimePhase, but did mess up some of my other calculations.

The order line release has to do with make direct versus make to stock. The job still should show in time phase just not with the direct exception.

As @JasonMcD notes those PartDtl records will be both side of the supply demand equation.

if teh sales orders were created for a part that doesn’t have an approved revision, then MRP cannot create the jobs.
Make sure that the part number referenced by the sales order is in teh part table, and has an approved revision for the site that you need to build it.

@timshuwy The jobs exist, but are not showing in the time phase screen. You can see them in the dashboard. The topic probably should be missing data in time phase as the MRP takes you in a different direction.

@knash Do the missing jobs have a prod link back to the sales order with the correct quantity?

@gpayne Thanks for continuing to help out here.

I did check before and the prod links were there.

Since then, User deleted jobs and order lines. Added Lines back and created jobs. Issue resolved, sorta…

Now in Time Phase we have Postpone Job and Suggestion Job for each Job. It appears to be noise, but wondering if that is what was the issue. Didn’t think there was a job suggestion table.

there is no separate job suggestion table, other than the PartDtl table which is a summary of all supply, demand, and suggestions. it is what MRP uses… because of what happened earlier to you, you may need to run a full regen of MRP to clean up the bad suggestions.

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Epicor wants the dates to align with zero tolerance, so it is making those suggestions. We don’t do make direct much anymore and had to set a Max On Hand, so Epicor will allow us to build up inventory for later shipment. I don’t know if setting Max On Hand will stop the suggestions on Make Direct as they do not change the balance field in time phase.