Has anyone ever seen it where the on hand qty in Time phase is not matching with the running total of Part transaction History Tracker? In our instance the totals are Double in time phase. For instance Part transaction history tracker had a running total after transactions of 2000. Time phase shows the same part with QTY on hand of 4000. Our system recently started doing this. Any advice if anyone has seen this?
Check the QOH shown in part tracker. If they differ from part tran history, then run the “Update Bin quantities from transaction history” (might not be called exactly that).
“Recalc Bins from Part Trans” (or something like that.)Its in something like System → Rebuild Processes → inventory
The Bin total in Part tracker is equal to the total shown in Part transaction history tracker. the correct quantity is what part tracker is showing and part transaction history tracker is showing. The on hand qty in time phase being double is the incorrect total. these numbers didnt start becoming effected until shortly after our first physical inventory last month with Epicor. And it is not doing it on every part but the number of parts effected seems to be growing by the day.
Is it exactly double?
Was the correct date used when the Phys Inv was initiated?
We had an issue one year when there was a typo in the Phy Inv date. It should have been 11/30, but got entered as 11/3. Then when the counts were entered, they made adjusts against the QOH as it was on 11/3, not when we actually counted on 11/30.
Use Part Tran History tracker to view the teams on a part showing your problem. Look for any ADJ-QTY trans related to the Phys Inv. Was the date correct? The adj qty correct? (Should be the difference between the qty shown in Part Tran History prior to the adj, and the qty counted during the Phys Inv)
Dumb question (maybe you already answered), does the actual QOH match the Part tracker and Part tran History?
Also expand the cutoff date of part tran History to make sure it’s not masking a Tran with a bad date.
I have seen this if the part wasn’t frozen during the count. Epicor takes the frozen qty, compares it to the counted qty and then adds this to the current qty. if the frozen is zero, then it will add the entire counted qty to the current qty.
I would whip up a BAQ that finds counted parts and compares it to the frozen table to find all affected parts.
Our count on the floor matches part tracker and Part Tran History tracker. and yep. it is exactly Double.
I will Forward this too our IT guys and see if it works.
I am the IT guy and I don’t have any idea on where to start. @Mark_Wonsil any help with the BAQ you mentioned?
I believe that CCDtl holds the frozen qty and CCTag are things counted. Look at the examples that you know are wrong and see if you can find a pattern of CCTag with no CCDtl or if some of the CCDtl fields can shed some light.
I’ve seen it
- There is a Order Kit Bug, if you are using Kit’s (if not ignore)
- Frozen Qty as Mark Wonsil said
- The Part doesnt have the right Part Site (PartPlant) which Time Phase uses.
- There are Transactions dated for future date and being cut-off.
This happened to me when there were PlantWhse records that were impossible. It’s a long explanation, but it’s because I was tinkering with a primary bin uBAQ. (Custom code to blame, for those following the widget thread…)
Point is, are there records in PlantWhse that should not exist? Like I have a PDC warehouse in the PDC site (only) and yet I had parts supposedly in the PDC warehouse in the MfgSys site.
Needed a fix from Epicor Support to get it right.
This might be related to what you are seeing: