Time phase interpretation

Hi all,

I need help on how to read the result of the Time Phase. Here is a part wich is stock and has a zero value for min-max. A PO is currently placed for a quantity of 360.

Can somebody help me out on this one?

There’s more going on than just what you highlighted.
Basically, when you run with Safety, Mins and DOS at zero you are effectively running Just In Time mode, which means the PO Suggestions will guide you to maintain a zero balance.
The best way to ‘read’ these suggestions is first understand that the suggestions are a NET game, meaning the expectation is that you will follow all suggestions, which would then accomplish the supply/demand requirements.
In this case, it is first trying to get you to reduce your existing PO to a Qty of 50 for your first demand point which is for 50 on 12/07. Then the suggestions on 12/16 which is where the PO is currently at will cancel out once you also move the PO due date to the 12/07 date.
Then on 01/13 it is raising a new PO Suggestion for 50 for the Job demand point on the same day.

To get more accurate suggestions you should communicate with Epicor be defining how you plan to stock your parts by setting values to as many planning parameters are possible, otherwise Epicor will continue to play the zero sum game, unless you set other parameters to block suggestions or Lock PO Qty and Dates. Most MRP behaves this way.

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Adding to what Rick has said, the parameters that affect planning the most are min/max lot sizes, min/max on hand, days of supply and receive time.

If you set ALL of these, you can see substantial increases in inventory. Tread carefully.

I strongly suggest you set one or two of these in your test environment, run MRP on the item and then evaluate the results. You can save the Time-Phase screens as PDF’s, it makes the comparison a lot easier that way.

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