Time Phase Highlight

We have a checkbox on OrderHed that is designated to tell us the order has been scheduled to ship on the date. I’ve been asked if, when they are in Time Phase, the lines could be highlighted if that checkbox is true. Anyone done something like this before?

@Will79 This thread is similar. If you fill the data in an unused column post processing and then add a row rule. We do this for best date on a PO, so the buyer does not have to answer if the date can be pulled in a hundred times.




I agree! Normally, I would not even touch it…but he owner wants something like this done. So, here I am!

In the BPM, did you fill by query to overwrite that column?

@Will79 I did it in ABL originally and it was converted to code and I have not gone back to do it with widgets yet. I went to look at the widgets and I don’t think they will do this one. You can ask @MarcLivingston how he solved on the other thread.

Basically it is a foreach on ttTimePhas and then a firstordefault on OrderHed.OrderNum = ttTimePhas.OrderNum to set for example SourceFile.

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I used an epiviewnotification with a SO lookup to get the data returned.

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I’m assuming that is in the Developer Mode/Customization, correct?

That is correct

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I’m getting back to this now after a little emergency took me away. Can you go into a bit more detail on how you solved this? Curious how this was setup as I’m a bit new on this end.

I added the CustID for a given make-to-order job to the Time Phase using a no-code BPM and a no-code customization, and ‘borrowing’ the ContractID field which we never use. You could do something similar for your checkbox, with the additional customization of a row rule to highlight the row.
The BPM is a Post-processing on GoProcessTimePhase, which is what fills the time Phase data.

Here’s the query to find the CustID

And here’s the mapping that stuffs the CustID into the ContractID field in the displayed data.

Now the CUSTID shows up where the ContractID would be, and the only customization needed is to relabel the column heading from “ContractID” to “CustID”.
Here’s the final result:

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