User: “Can update time for all Employees” I can’t remember how this reacts. Have you tried tweaking this?
Funny thing is I currently have a bug where only supervisor can edit time for employees. This has been driving me crazy, but its actually what you want.
And just for something a bit off topic, but topical
If the time is project related and you are using approval an methods that includes Project Manager approval. The Project Manager can go into time entry as that employee and recall time. The downside to that as soon as they recall the time entry appears to go missing from the form. The time data still actually exists, but because the Project Manager is no longer the approver the entry will not show for them… Not sure if this has been resolved in 10 or not but it behaves like that in E9…Did our head in for a while I must admit.
Currently, Time and Expense Entry allows any user who has access to “Time and Expense Entry” to make changes to everyone.
Hi Billy! I know this is an older thread, but you can actually change that setting under the User Account settings. Under the company tab, there is a checkbox for “can update time for all employees.” Sounds like you have that checked for all employees.
@Hally Hi Simon! Do you use Project Manager approval workflow as well as Supervisor Approval? We currently only use supervisor, but trying to work out a way for our engineers to have approvals done by the project lead instead of their direct manager when the time relates to that project.
@jnbadger I don’t work for that company now and I don’t have access to Project management, but I recall we had time expense approval workflows one setup for supervisor only and supervisor and project manager. The project phase can be assigned a specific task set as well as particular roles assigned to employees that allow them to have different approval capabilities also. The application help runs you through the setup of both Chapter 8 specifically pages 402 and 391 (10.1.600 version) has information, but that is also replicated in the online help as well as the online help version of the applicaiton users guide,
I do recall we used to have mainly two types of projects. Ones for tracking indirect time like admin, leave etc. and customer facing projects which were T&M these were setup for PM approval while the Indirect were setup for Supervisor. When we went live first we had three workflows. Supervisor, PM and another Supervisor and PM. We quickly stopped using the Supervisor and PM because managers were too scared to approve time that were on customer facing projects leaving lots of time in the Pending state.
I am on 10.2.300, and all of our users are unchecked for “Can update time for all employees” and yet anyone who has access to the time and expense entry screen can change other’s time ticket.
Is this also happening to anyone else?
We want to make it so that specific user can only change their own time ticket in the time and expense entry.
@sbang There is another setting you can check under Site Configuration. Go to Modules -> Time and Expense -> Time. The setting for “Restrict Entry” should fix this for you. Check the box if you want employees to only be able to enter time for themselves; leave unchecked to allow employees to enter time for any employee.
Hi Sydney, long time no see. Most likely the issue is that those emps arent linked to users. In order to limit in that method, this link will probably need to be made.
Also, worst case if there is no built in way to stop other users from viewing other peoples time, we can easily address that with some code.
@sbang yes that’s definitely possible! That’s the exact set up I have at one of our companies. So if you have the Restrict Entry setting turned on in Site Configuration, you also need to make sure you set the Employee ID under each User. It’s under the company tab in user maintenance. I know that’ll default the employee ID for them in Time & Expense Entry, and I think it should give the access you’re looking for too.
Hey guys, the users are all connected to the employees.
Maybe I am missing something,
In site configuration, Modules/ Time and expense/ Time, we have “Restrict Entry” as true but nothing else as true.
On user account security maintenance, we have a user set up with our company, with employee ID set up on the company tab with “can update time for all employees” as false.
And yet when we try to create a new time ticket for a specific employee user id, we cannot click new button.
Any other suggestions?
I’m pretty late to this thread but we do Time and Expense Entry for Supervisors by using Authorized Users of a Work Force to determine who can edit time records of the employees. If anyone is curious about this method I can elaborate.