When a user enters a time detail and selects the operation, the Opr Complete and Complete checkboxes automatically check. Is there a way to change this? Almost all of our job operations require multiple entries before they are complete.
I believe those only get automatically checked when the reported Qty and/or Labor exceed the job requirements. If you’re using a generic shop employee, their logged in hours (8.50 in your screen shot) probably exceed the requirement for the job. If you change that 8.5 to 0.1, does the box automatically uncheck?
Thanks, I gave it a try but the checkboxes still checked. Maybe the problem is with the job. The operation has a required time of zero. It’s set up like that because we never know how many hours will be logged against the job. Would we be better off entering a high number of hours, that we know won’t be met?
The artificially high estimated time should solve your problem, but may mess with scheduling. But probably not, as a zero time is also wrong, in the opposite direction.