Hey all, trying to figure out why a specific user can’t get any access to any options under the “NEW” icon. When they click on it, nothing happens. From the File menu option, new is grayed. I have matched their permissions to myself and another users. I’ve given them System Admin group still nothing. I’ve attached a screen of the menu they can not get to open. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!! Thanks everyone!!!
Try deleting their personalised version of that screen.
Yes, I second what Mark said. We’ve had the same thing you are experiencing be resolved by deleting the user’s personalization
Wow I can’t believe I didn’t think to at least check instead of relying on the check box in the user set up. I assumed she wasn’t able to since it wasn’t checked. Sure enough she had one and deleting it fixed the issue. That’s 2 hours I’ll never get back… Thanks!!!
So what happens when there are no personalizations? Tried clearing Cache. User still does not have access…