Time and Expense Entry

I have a shift setup as ID 115. It is for the drafting department and office personnel here. It starts at 8 and goes to 5. It is supposed to, (I am being told), round to the nearest 1/4 hour. However, an employee clocked in at 7:43AM and it rounded it to 8:00AM. Not sure where Epicor handles rounding on shifts, but could definitely use help with this one. Thanks!
Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 4.26.03 PM

I believe it is in Company Configuration, Modules, Production, Data Collection.

Never seen this screen before today. Super handy to know about, but this looks all correct just from a glance. Just strange how it is not showing more than 8.00 hours.

The problem is there. The 20 early means it will round to 8:00. If the person were to clock in 21 minutes early then it would start pay from that point. You would need to adjust clock in allowance early time. From my experience epicor doesn’t pay to the 1/4 hour out of the box. I could be wrong on that but it is what we were told. The grace period and clock in allowance setting will allow it to round for Clock in and Clock out punches though.

Also if you have people clock in and out for lunch it can cause some more head aches if you want to do rounding again, just an fyi.